What are some environmentally friendly methods ... - SS2 Agriculture Pests of crops Question
What are some environmentally friendly methods for controlling insect pests in agriculture without resorting to chemical pesticides?
Environmentally friendly pest control methods in agriculture include:
Biological Control: Using natural predators, parasitoids, and pathogens to manage pest populations.
Crop Rotation: Changing the crop type planted in a field to disrupt pest life cycles.
Companion Planting: Planting pest-repelling or beneficial companion plants alongside main crops.
Trap Crops: Planting specific crops that attract pests away from the main crop, acting as decoys.
Integrated Pest Management (IPM): Implementing a holistic approach that combines various control methods, emphasizing non-chemical options.
Organic Farming Practices: Employing organic methods such as the use of natural fertilizers and pesticides approved for organic farming.
Genetic Resistance: Developing crop varieties with natural resistance or tolerance to pests.
Cultural Practices: Adjusting planting dates, densities, and other practices to reduce pest pressure.
Sanitation: Removing and destroying pest-infested plant material to prevent infestations from spreading.
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