What are the roles of cooperatives - SS1 Economics Roles of Cooperatives Question
What are the roles of cooperatives?
Some of the roles of cooperatives include:
Providing goods and services: One of the primary roles of cooperatives is to provide goods and services to their members, such as agricultural products, financial services, health care, housing, and energy.
Creating jobs and income: Cooperatives can create jobs and generate income for their members by providing employment opportunities, access to credit, and markets for their products or services.
Promoting social and economic development: Cooperatives can promote social and economic development by providing resources and services that improve the well-being of their members and communities, such as education, health care, and community development.
Fostering democratic participation: Cooperatives foster democratic participation by giving members a voice and a vote in the decision-making process. This helps to ensure that the interests of all members are represented and that decisions are made in the best interests of the cooperative as a whole.
Supporting sustainability: Cooperatives can support sustainability by promoting environmentally responsible practices and investing in renewable energy, conservation, and other sustainable practices.
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