writes 5 homophones each from the f and v sound... - JSS2 English language week Seven- SPEECH WORK - Contrasting /f/ and /v/; /s/ and /z/, comprehension passage , Grammer - direct speech Question
writes 5 homophones each from the /f/ and /v/ sounds and /s/ and /z/ ?
Homophones for /f/ and /v/:
Fair - Fare
Feet - Feat
Find - Fined
Flour - Flower
Four - Fore
Veil - Vale
Vane - Vein
Very - Vary
Vice - Vise
Vial - Viol
Homophones for /s/ and /z/:
Sea - See
Sell - Cell
Sun - Son
Scent - Cent
Sail - Sale
Zeal - Seal
Zebra - Sea-bra
Zone - Sown
Zest - Jest
Zoo - Sue
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