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Coronavirus: UNILAG Commences Online Lecture for GST Courses

 /UniLag Latest News
The University of Lagos (UNILAG) has commenced lectures online for courses under the CENTRE FOR GENERAL STUDIES (GST). Shown below is how the students of the university can join and access the online lectures.

How to access UNILAG GST Lectures Online

  1. Go to UNILAG GST Online: https://gstonline.unilag.edu.ng.
  2. Go to the Learning Management System, LMS login page. You can also access this page by clicking "Login" or "Online Courses" from the menu
  4. Enter your Microsoft account email which is [email protected] and click Next button.
  5. Enter your Microsoft Account Password and click on Sign-In button.
  6. Click on the course to access your lecture materials and videos.
  7. Ensure to check on your course page regularly. The Lecturer of the course can post assignments, tests or any other class activity at any time.
  8. Ensure to check the duration of the Test.
  9. The Lecturer may not extend the time set for the test.

How to access UNILAG GST Lectures Online (PDF)

You can download a PDF copy that will show you step-by-step on how to join UNILAG GST online courses (PDF).
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