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Basic Statements - SS1 ICT Lesson Note

BASIC is known for its straightforward and English-like syntax. Here are some of the basic statements commonly used in the language:


LET: The LET statement is used to assign values to variables. For example, LET X = 5 assigns the value 5 to the variable X.


READ and DATA: These statements are used to read data from the user or from predefined data values. The DATA statement is used to define a list of data values that can be read using the READ statement.


INPUT: The INPUT statement is used to read input from the user. For example, INPUT "Enter your name: "; NAME$ will prompt the user to enter their name and store it in the variable NAME$.


END: The END statement is used to indicate the end of the program. It's usually the last statement in a BASIC program.


PRINT: The PRINT statement is used to display output on the screen. For example, PRINT "Hello, world!" will display the text "Hello, world!" on the screen.

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