Courses » JSS1 » JSS1 Civic education » Characteristics of Democracy - JSS1 Civic education Lesson Note

Characteristics of Democracy - JSS1 Civic education Lesson Note

  1. Popular Sovereignty:

  • In a democratic system, ultimate authority and power reside with the people. Governments derive their legitimacy from the consent of the governed.
  • Political Pluralism:

    • Democracy thrives on the existence of multiple political parties and groups representing diverse interests. This ensures a variety of perspectives and options for citizens.
  • Protection of Human Rights:

    • Democracies emphasize the protection of individual rights and freedoms. Constitutions and legal frameworks are designed to safeguard citizens' rights, ensuring equal treatment and opportunities.
  • Free and Fair Elections:

    • Regular, free, and fair elections are a hallmark of democracy. Citizens have the right to vote, and elections provide a peaceful mechanism for choosing leaders and holding them accountable.
  • Rule of Law:

    • Democracies are based on the rule of law, where laws are applied consistently and equally to all citizens, including those in positions of power.
  • Citizen Participation:

    • Democracy encourages active citizen participation in decision-making processes. This can take the form of voting, engaging in public discourse, or participating in civic activities.
  • Accountability and Transparency:

    • Democratic governments are accountable to the people. They operate transparently, providing information on decisions, policies, and actions, and are subject to scrutiny by the public and independent institutions.
  • Limited Government Powers:

    • Democracy involves checks and balances on government powers. Constitutional limits ensure that governments operate within defined boundaries and do not infringe on individual rights.
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