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Christians as salt and light of the world (Matt 5:13-16) - JSS2 Christian Religious Studies Lesson Note

All over the world, salt is known as a preservative. It prevents the foods from decaying, adds value to its taste and used as seasoning ingredient. In the same way, we are to preserve the society some social ills, evil practices and decadence through their belief, attitudes and character.

The light shines to give directions on path. As Christians, we should shine a godly light to direct others from sin to Christ as they see the works of our heavenly Father in us and give praises to God.

Jesus taught that God’s rule in our hearts demands that we Christians should behave as the ‘salt’ of the earth and ‘light’ of the world:

 “You are the salt of the earth; and the light of the world.”

Christians as salt of the earth: Salt is good because it preserves things like fish from decay. It also improves the taste of the food that you eat. As salt of the earth, your duty as a Christian is to behave in such a way that you become the agent of preserving and improving the quality of life in the society, so that there is good relationship between men and God and between one another.

 You are able to do this by your good examples as committed Christians who live according to the teachings of Jesus Christ. Your good life will influence others to lead good lives and as a result preserve and improve the quality of life in the community. But when you deviate from the life of Christ and behave as an uncommitted Christian, you lose your value as salt of the earth in the society:

“But if the salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trodden under foot by men.”

Salt becomes tasteless and useless when it loses its saltiness as it is soaked by rain or water. Therefore, you become useless and worthless people in the society when you refuse to behave the way God wants you to behave. Therefore, you should try to behave properly at all times by living according to the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Christians as the light of the world: Light is the source of life. Without adequate light, a plant cannot grow and may therefore die. Without light there will be darkness all around us and we will not have the energy to work and make progress.

 Therefore as ‘light of the world’ you are to behave in such a way as to become the source of life to others. When you follow the teaching of Jesus in your life, you become the light of the world and by your good behavior you lead others to the greater light in Jesus Christ. As you become the source of the life for your society, you will lead others to eternal life in Jesus Christ.

 But if you hide your light of life by doing what God does not want you to do, you become a source of darkness to others, leading them to the darkness of sin and death. You should avoid this by letting your light of good works shine at all times through your good behavior. Light is not meant to be hidden, but to be put where it can give light to all. So:

“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and give glory to your father who is in heaven.”


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