Classification Of Plants - SS1 Biology Lesson Note
Crops can be classified into different types based on various criteria. Here are some common types of crops:
1. Cereal Crops: These crops are primarily grown for their edible grains. Examples include wheat, rice, maize (corn), barley, oats, rye, and sorghum.
2. Pulses: Pulses are leguminous crops that are harvested for their dried seeds. They are rich in protein and often used as a source of nutrition. Common pulses include lentils, chickpeas, beans, peas, and soybeans.
3. Oilseeds: These crops are cultivated for the extraction of edible oils from their seeds. Examples include soybeans, sunflowers, rapeseed (canola), cottonseed, sesame, and peanuts.
4. Fruits: Fruit crops include a wide variety of plants that produce edible fruits. They can be further categorized into tree fruits (e.g., apples, oranges, peaches), vine fruits (e.g., grapes, melons), berry fruits (e.g., strawberries, blueberries), and tropical fruits (e.g., bananas, mangoes, pineapples).
5. Vegetables: Vegetable crops encompass a diverse range of plants that are cultivated for their edible leaves, stems, roots, or flowers. Examples include tomatoes, lettuce, carrots, potatoes, cucumbers, peppers, onions, and cabbage.
6. Tubers: Tubers are enlarged underground plant structures that store nutrients. They serve as an energy reserve and are consumed as food. Common tuber crops include potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams, and cassava.
7. Fiber Crops: These crops are grown to produce fibers used in textiles and other materials. Examples include cotton, jute, flax, hemp, and sisal.
8. Forage Crops: Forage crops are primarily grown as animal feed, providing nutrition to livestock. They include grasses such as ryegrass and Bermuda grass, legumes like alfalfa and clover, and other forage crops like sorghum and corn silage.
9. Industrial Crops: Industrial crops are cultivated for non-food purposes, including raw materials for biofuels, pharmaceuticals, or manufacturing processes. Examples include sugarcane (for ethanol production), rubber trees, medicinal plants, and certain tree species used for timber or pulp production.
10.Cash Crops: Cash crops are grown for commercial purposes to generate income. They can include a wide range of crops depending on the region and market demand, such as coffee, tea, cocoa, tobacco, spices, and high-value specialty crops.