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Literature in English- poetry - JSS3 English language Lesson Note


Poem: A Deserted Palm Tree


In the heart of the desert, stands a lonely palm,

Once a symbol of life, now shrouded in calm.

Its leaves have withered, its trunk stands bare,

A silent sentinel in the dry, arid air.


Once it stood tall, in a grove so green,

Where the wind whispered, and the sun gleamed.

Birds sang sweetly in its leafy crown,

Now there's silence as the sun goes down.


The oasis that nourished it has long since dried,

The creatures that sheltered have fled or died.

Yet it stands resolute, a witness to time,

A testament to life in this harsh clime.


No more the shade, nor the cool retreat,

Just memories linger in the scorching heat.

Yet in its stillness, there lies a grace,

A quiet endurance in this desolate place.


And though it's deserted, it still holds on,

A relic of past days, though others have gone.

For even in solitude, it finds a way,

To stand firm and tall, come what may.



Understanding "A Deserted Palm Tree"


"A Deserted Palm Tree" is a poem that explores themes of resilience, change, and solitude. The poem paints a vivid picture of a once-vibrant palm tree that now stands alone in a barren desert, symbolising endurance despite adverse conditions.


Explanation of Stanzas:

Stanza 1:


In the heart of the desert, stands a lonely palm,

Once a symbol of life, now shrouded in calm.

Its leaves have withered, its trunk stands bare,

A silent sentinel in the dry, arid air.


Summary:The poem begins by setting the scene in a desert where a solitary palm tree stands. Once vibrant and full of life, the tree is now bare and calm, standing alone in the dry air.

Imagery: "Lonely palm," "shrouded in calm," "silent sentinel."

Theme: The transformation from life to desolation.


Stanza 2:


Once it stood tall, in a grove so green,

Where the wind whispered, and the sun gleamed.

Birds sang sweetly in its leafy crown,

Now there's silence as the sun goes down.


Summary:This stanza reminisces about the past when the palm tree was part of a lush grove. It describes the lively environment with whispering winds and singing birds, which contrasts with the current silence.

Imagery: "Grove so green," "wind whispered," "sun gleamed," "birds sang sweetly."

Theme: Nostalgia and change.


Stanza 3:


The oasis that nourished it has long since dried,

The creatures that sheltered have fled or died.

Yet it stands resolute, a witness to time,

A testament to life in this harsh clime.


Summary: The poem explains that the oasis, which once provided sustenance, has dried up, and the animals that lived there have disappeared. Despite this, the tree remains standing, symbolizing resilience.

- Imagery:"Oasis...dried," "creatures...fled or died," "stands resolute."

Theme:Endurance and survival.


Stanza 4:


No more the shade, nor the cool retreat,

Just memories linger in the scorching heat.

Yet in its stillness, there lies a grace,

A quiet endurance in this desolate place.


Summary: The palm tree no longer provides shade or a cool refuge. Memories of its past glory remain, but now it embodies a quiet grace and perseverance amidst the harsh conditions.

Imagery: "Scorching heat," "stillness," "quiet endurance."

Theme: Grace in adversity.


Stanza 5:


And though it's deserted, it still holds on,

A relic of past days, though others have gone.

For even in solitude, it finds a way,

To stand firm and tall, come what may.


Summary:The final stanza highlights that despite being abandoned, the palm tree persists. It stands as a relic of the past and continues to endure alone, demonstrating unwavering strength.

Imagery: "Deserted," "relic of past days," "stand firm and tall."

Theme: Strength and perseverance in solitude.


Literary Devices in the Poem:

1. Imagery: Vivid descriptions that appeal to the senses, e.g., "scorching heat," "leafy crown."

2. Personification: Attributing human qualities to non-human entities, e.g., "wind whispered."

3. Symbolism: The palm tree symbolises resilience and endurance.

4. Contrast: Between the past vibrancy and present desolation, e.g., "Once it stood there's silence."



1. Resilience and Endurance: The palm tree continues to stand despite adverse conditions.

2. Change and Transformation: The shift from a lively grove to a barren desert.

3. Solitude: The tree's existence in isolation symbolises strength in loneliness.


By understanding these elements, students can appreciate the deeper meanings and artistic qualities of the poem "A Deserted Palm Tree."


Recommended: Questions and Answers on Lesson 5 (unit 5) for JSS3 English language
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