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Noun Phrase (Determiners and Quantifiers) - SS1 English Lesson Note

definitions, Functions. 

A noun phrase is a group of words without a verb that performs the functions of a noun. Noun phrases are phrases that include a noun and other words that modify or describe that noun. Determiners and quantifiers are words that can be used in noun phrases to help clarify or specify the noun.Examples of determiners include "the," "a," "an," "this," "that," "these," and "those." Examples of quantifiers include "many," "few," "some," "all," "most," and "several."

Functions  of a noun.

1. A noun serves as the subject of a verb.

2. A noun serves as the object of  a verb.

3. A noun serves as the complement of a subject.

4. A noun serves as the complement of an object.

5. It serves as a completive in a prepositional phrase.

6. It serves as an appositive of another noun


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