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Oral Comprehension - Passage: The Adventurous Journey - JSS3 English language Lesson Note

Passage: The Adventurous Journey


It was a bright and sunny Saturday morning when Tolu and his friends decided to embark on an adventurous journey to the old, abandoned castle on the outskirts of their village. The castle had always intrigued them with its towering walls and mysterious history. Rumor had it that the castle was haunted, but the friends were eager to explore its secrets and see for themselves.


Armed with flashlights, snacks, and a map, Tolu, Amaka, Chidi, and Kemi set out on their bicycles. The path to the castle was a winding one, through thick woods and over a small, rickety bridge. As they pedalled, they chatted excitedly about the legends they had heard. Some said that a treasure was hidden somewhere in the castle, while others spoke of ghostly apparitions that roamed the halls at night.


When they finally arrived at the castle gates, the friends paused to take in the sight. The castle, though weathered by time, still stood majestically against the blue sky. They could see vines creeping up the stone walls and hear the distant cawing of crows. With a mix of excitement and apprehension, they pushed open the creaky gates and stepped inside.


The interior of the castle was dark and cold, despite the sunny weather outside. Dust motes floated in the beams of sunlight that filtered through the broken windows. The friends split up to explore different parts of the castle, agreeing to meet back at the entrance in an hour.


Tolu and Chidi ventured into what seemed to be an old library. Shelves lined with cobweb-covered books stretched up to the high ceiling. As they examined the ancient volumes, Tolu's flashlight beam caught a glint of something metallic behind a stack of books. He reached in and pulled out a small, ornate box. Inside, they found a piece of parchment with strange symbols on it. Chidi suggested they take it back to the village to see if anyone could decipher it.


Meanwhile, Amaka and Kemi explored the castle's kitchen and dining hall. They found rusty pots and pans, and a long, wooden dining table covered in dust. Suddenly, they heard a faint whispering sound. They froze, listening intently, but the sound stopped as quickly as it had started. Brushing it off as their imaginations playing tricks, they continued their exploration.


After an hour, the friends regrouped at the entrance, each with stories of their discoveries. They decided to head back home, promising to return another day to explore further. As they rode back to the village, the setting sun cast long shadows on the path. They felt a sense of accomplishment and excitement, knowing they had taken the first step in uncovering the mysteries of the old castle.


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