Courses » JSS2 » JSS2 English language » Revision of consonant sounds with Emphasis on Consonants Cluster. - JSS2 English language Lesson Note

Revision of consonant sounds with Emphasis on Consonants Cluster. - JSS2 English language Lesson Note

 Consonants are speech sounds created by a partial or complete blockage of airflow in the mouth. Today, we'll revise these sounds and focus on how consonants can group together to form clusters.

Types of Consonants:

Stops: These completely block airflow for a moment (p, b, t, d, k, g). Try saying "stop" and feel your lips or tongue stop the air.
Fricatives: These create friction as air flows through a narrow opening (f, v, s, z, sh, zh, h). Say "fish" and feel the air rushing through your teeth.
Affricates: These combine a stop and a fricative (ch, j). "Church" has both a stop (ch) and a fricative (urch) sound.
Nasals: Air flows through the nose while the mouth is blocked (m, n, ng). Feel the vibration in your nose when you say "man."
Liquids: Air flows around the sides of the tongue with some vibration (l, r). The sound of "like" and "roll" are good examples.
Glides: The tongue glides quickly into position for a vowel sound (w, y). Say "wet" and "yes" to feel the smooth transition.
Consonant Clusters:

Consonant clusters are two or more consonants appearing next to each other in a word. Here are some examples:

Stop clusters: "play" (pl), "trip" (tr), "skip" (sk)
Fricative clusters: "strength" (str), "vision" (zhn)
Stop-fricative clusters: "speech" (sp), "watch" (tch)

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