Roles of a family - JSS1 Christian Religious Studies Lesson Note
Every member of the family has God-ordained roles to play for love, harmony, progress, and peaceful co-existence of the family.
Failure of any member of the family to play his or her role will make the family not be what God planned for it.
CHILDREN are to obey their parents in the fear of God. That is, the children’s obedience to the parents should be in agreement with the word of God. They are also to honor; respect their parents so that it will be well with them and so that they may live long on the earth.
FATHERS AND MOTHERS– are to take care of the children, provide for them and not to provoke them, but to nurture and admonish the children in truth i.e. they are to train them to be disciplined children, instruct them with the word of God.
SERVANTS/WARDS– are to be obedient to the masters with fear and trembling, serving in singleness of heart and without eye-service. Their service should be as to the Lord Jesus Christ and not as to men, or men-pleasers, but as servants of the Lord Christ, doing the will of God from the heart. The service they render should be goodwill as to the Lord who will reward them accordingly for well-doing.
WIVES – are to be subject and submissive to their husbands in everything as the church is subject and submissive unto Christ the head of the church. Wives are to recognize their husbands as to the head of the family. They are to also respect and reverence their husbands.
HUSBANDS – are to love their wives sacrificially as Christ loved the church and died for it. Husbands are to care, cherish and relish their wives as their bodies since no man ever hates his own flesh. God commands that the man should leave his father and mother and cleave unto his wife so that both of them can become one flesh.