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service - JSS1 Christian Religious Studies Lesson Note

Service is doing some work which one is called upon to perform or one volunteer to do. In essence, one is expected to do the above work with all his/her mind, heart and strength. When this happen one is said to have rendered faithful loyal and accountable services.

       Every time we recite the national pledge, we mention two important words, “FAITHFUL AND LOYAL” We promise to be faithful and loyal to service to Nigeria with all our strength. This shows that faithfulness and loyalty are very important in performing services to our country.

          Without either of loyalty or faithfulness our country will never be strong, great and united. The two words describe a devoted service by someone who is loyal and faithful. It also describes someone who is sincere, honest, trustworthy, constant, reliable and dependable in his relationship with others and in the performance of his duties. Such a person places the interest of others and of the nation first before his or her own interest. It is through such people that our country can be prosperous, strong, great and United. Faithfulness leads to accountability. One who is faithful does not blame others for his or her actions. If the action is right,he accepts the praise. If contrary, he takes the blame. Therefore FAITHFULNESS, LOYALTY AND ACCOUNTABILITY are three important moral values we must inculcate in order to make our country prosperous.


Joseph- Joseph was one of the twelve sons of Jacob.

Ruth – Naomi’s daughter


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