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The coming of the holy spirit - JSS3 Christian Religious Studies Lesson Note

On the day of Pentecost, the disciples of Jesus Christ were in the upper room in Jerusalem praying when the Holy Ghost came upon them. While they were together praying, a sound suddenly came from heaven like the rush of a mighty wind and filled the house. Then the Holy Spirit descended like a tongue of fire and rested on each of them. Consequently, they were filled with the Holy Spirit and they began to speak in different languages.

At that time, the Jews and many other people from various culture, countries and languages were living in Jerusalem. Each of these people was able to hear the disciples speaking his own language. Some were amazed and mistook the disciples for drunkards. They were amazed about how the disciples who were Galileans could be speaking in so many languages including the languages of the Parthians, Medes, Elemites, Phrygia, Egypt and parts of Libya belonging to Cyrene.

These were all visitors from Rome, Crete and Arabia who were undoubtedly overwhelmed and were marvelled at the wonderful work of God.

The coming of the Holy Spirit greatly influenced the disciples who were now called the Apostles. They gained boldness and were filled with extraordinary power and courage to witness Jesus Christ without fear and trembling. Peter was the first to address the people. He explained to them that the apostles were not drunk and that it was just the third hour of the day. He went further by saying that what they saw was the fulfilment of the prophecy of Prophet Joel.

Peter thereafter preached the gospel of Jesus Christ and about three thousand people gave their lives to Christ and became members of the church.






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