Types of alternative logic gates - SS2 ICT Lesson Note
Logic gates are fundamental building blocks of digital circuits, and they manipulate binary signals (0s and 1s) based on certain logical operations. There are several alternative logic gates beyond the basic AND, OR, and NOT gates.
NAND Gate:
- Symbol: ⊼ (AND gate followed by a NOT gate)
- Function: The output of a NAND gate is the logical NOT of the output of an AND gate. It produces a 0 output only when all inputs are 1, otherwise, it produces a 1 output.
NOR Gate:
- Symbol: ⊽ (OR gate followed by a NOT gate)
- Function: The output of a NOR gate is the logical NOT of the output of an OR gate. It produces a 1 output only when all inputs are 0, otherwise, it produces a 0 output.
XOR Gate (Exclusive OR):
- Symbol: ⊕
- Function: The output of an XOR gate is 1 when the number of input 1s is odd. It produces a 0 output when the number of input 1s is even.
XNOR Gate (Exclusive NOR):
- Symbol: ⊖ or ≡
- Function: The output of an XNOR gate is 1 when the number of input 1s is even. It produces a 0 output when the number of input 1s is odd.
NOT Gate:
- Symbol: ¬ or /
- Function: The NOT gate (also called an inverter) produces the logical complement of its input signal. It converts 0 to 1 and 1 to 0.