2018 - JAMB Literature Past Questions and Answers - page 1
A literary work in which the characters and events are used as symbols is known as _________?
A story with (count 'em) two levels of meaning is known as an allegory. The surface of the story comes first. That is , the obvious stuff like the characters and the plot. Then there is the deeper meaning that all the jazz on the surface reflects, or the symbolic level.
Allegories are literary or rhetorical devices that writers and speakers usually employ to express (semi-)hidden or complex meanings through symbolic figures, acts, imagery, or events. These elements work together to generate the moral, spiritual, or political meaning the author wants to convey.
Characterisation in a novel refers to the _____?
In literacy work, verbal irony refers to a _________?
device in which the speaker means the opposite of what he says
situation in which a character speaks or acts against the tread of events
difficult situation which defies a local or rational resolution
device in which the actor on stage
Verbal Irony is when a speaker expresses the opposite of what they truly say, feels or means. It is the act of using words to express something contrary to the truth. Verbal irony is usually sarcastic.
In the theatre, words spoken by a character that are meant to be heard by the audience but not by the other characters on stage is called_________?
Aside, in theatre and drama refers to the act whereby a character speaks directly to the audience but not heard by other characters or actors on the stage.
Drama is the representation of a complete series of actions by means of _________
movement and gesture for the screen and audience
speech, movement and gesture for the stage only
speech, movement and gesture for the stage, screen and radio
speech, gesture and movement for the screen and radio
A drama is a specialized form of fiction or narrative that is performed. A play, opera, mime, ballet, etc. that is performed on stage in a theater, over the radio, or on television is regarded as a form of poetry in general.
A poet‘s use of regular rhythm is known as _______?
A literacy genre which directly imitates human actions is______?
A fable is a story in which________?
The juxtaposition of two contrasting ideas in a line of poetry is_________?
The main aim of caricature is to_______?