2019 - JAMB Literature Past Questions and Answers - page 1
When a writer deviates from the chronological arrangement of events in a literary piece, he uses ...
Anachrony is the literary word used to explain or discribe when a writer begin their works by (for example) revealing an event at the last scene at the beginning.
The literary term for conflict in literature is_________
Agon is used to describe a struggle for supremacy either between two characters or between man and a societal problem.
_______ is used to describe the situation where a character recognize his mistake
Anagnorisis is used to define a point where by a character recognises the mistakes which led to his downfall.
"Nightfall! Nightfall!! You are my mortal enemy". The dominant figure of speech above is a/an________
Apostrophe is used to describe an absent person as if present and a dead person or subject matter and as if living, this should not be confused with personification. So the correct answer is Apostrophe because "Night fall" is directly addressed as if it were living being, this is a figurative quality of an Apostrophe.
________is used to describe the 'god of inspiration' in literature
The muse is what spurs or drives a writer to reflect his thinking or realities in a literay pieces. It is the source of inspiration for his writings.
_____ is used to describe the predetermination of a future event in a literary piece
Anelepsis (flash back) is used to reveal a futuristic event at the present moment while prolepsis is literay used for foreshadowing unlike flash back.
The theme that runs through Hallowell's Dining Table is that of________
The poet with the usage of powerful imageries and symbols as 'gun' and 'wound' reveals that the subject matter of the poem is that of brutality or horrors of war and not mere conflict therefore brutality is the best answer.
Which one of the following does not relate to the tone in Diop's Vanity?
Africans needs to celebrate their Ancestors and sustain their values because the Birago Diop's attitude was that of condemnation , sarcasm and ridicule.
Use the extract below to answer questions
Line 1: My heart leaps up when I behold
Line 2: A rainbow in the sky
Line 3: so was it when my life began
Line 4: so is it now
Line 5: so is it when I have grown
Line 6: the child is the father of the man.
The mood of the writer is that of _____?
The poet glimpse of hope at very beginning, was how however overtaken by the feeling of worry as to the challenges of maturity and growing older.
Use the extract below to answer questions
Line 1: My heart leaps up when I behold
Line 2: A rainbow in the sky
Line 3: so was it when my life began
Line 4: so is it now
Line 5: so is it when I have grown
Line 6: the child is the father of the man.
The rhyme scheme of the poem is_________
A diligent tracing of the rhyme pattern in the excerpt above will result into the 'abcacc' scheme therefore 'abcacc' is the best answer.