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Crop Rotation and Intercropping - JSS1 Agricultural science Past Questions and Answers - page 2


Examine the concept of crop rotation in agriculture.

Crop rotation is a farming practice involving the sequential planting of different crops in specific fields over multiple seasons. The primary importance lies in disrupting pest and disease cycles. Benefits include:

  - Pest and Disease Control: Crop rotation helps break the life cycles of pests and pathogens, reducing the build-up of specific organisms in the soil.

  - Nutrient Management: Different crops have varying nutrient requirements, preventing excessive depletion of specific nutrients in the soil.

  - Soil Health: Crop rotation enhances soil health by reducing the risk of soilborne diseases and promoting diverse microbial activity.

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Explore the various crop rotation systems used in agriculture.

Different crop rotation systems are employed in agriculture, including:

  - Two-Year Rotation: Alternating between two different crops over two years.

  - Three-Year Rotation: Introducing a third crop into the rotation cycle.

  - Four-Year Rotation: Extending the rotation cycle to four years.

   Each system has its advantages and challenges:

  - Advantages: Pest and disease control, improved nutrient management, and enhanced soil health.

  - Challenges: Planning and managing diverse crops, potential market fluctuations, and adapting to climatic variations.

   Choosing the appropriate rotation system depends on factors such as the specific crops involved, farm size, and regional climate conditions.


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Discuss the advantages of crop rotation for soil health.

Crop rotation positively impacts soil health in several ways:

  - Nutrient Diversity: Different crops have varied nutrient requirements, preventing the excessive depletion of specific nutrients in the soil.

  - Reduced Soilborne Diseases: Crop rotation disrupts the life cycles of soilborne pathogens, reducing their prevalence and promoting a healthier soil environment.

  - Improved Soil Structure: Varied root structures of different crops contribute to better soil aeration and structure.

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Examine the concept of intercropping in agriculture.

Intercropping involves growing different crops simultaneously in the same field. Advantages include:

  - Biodiversity: Intercropping promotes biodiversity, reducing the risk of pest and disease outbreaks and enhancing ecological resilience.

  - Land Use Efficiency: Multiple crops utilise the same space, maximising land use efficiency and potentially increasing overall productivity.

   Intercropping techniques include:

  - Strip Cropping: Alternating strips of different crops.

  - Mixed Cropping: Growing different crops together without distinct row arrangements.

  - Relay Cropping: Planting a second crop among the standing crop of the first.

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Discuss the advantages of intercropping in agriculture.

Intercropping provides several advantages in agriculture:

  - Weed Control: The dense growth of different crops intercropping systems can suppress weed growth, reducing the need for additional weed management practices.

  - Efficient Pest Management: Intercropping can attract beneficial insects that act as natural enemies to pests, promoting a more balanced and sustainable pest management system.

  - Farm Resilience: The diversity created by intercropping enhances the farm's resilience to environmental stresses, such as extreme weather events or pest outbreaks.

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