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Different Types of Livestock - JSS1 Agricultural science Past Questions and Answers - page 2


Discuss the purpose of livestock farming and its significance in providing essential products for human consumption.

Livestock farming serves the primary purpose of producing essential products for human consumption. The main categories of livestock include:

  - Ruminants: (e.g., cattle, goats, sheep) provide meat, milk, and wool.

  - Poultry: (e.g., chickens, ducks, turkeys) primarily produce eggs and meat.

  - Swine: (pigs) are raised for pork production.

  - Equines: (horses, donkeys) serve purposes like transportation and work on farms.

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Explore the characteristics of ruminants among farm animals.

  Ruminants, such as cattle, goats, and sheep, possess a unique digestive system with multiple stomach compartments. The characteristics of ruminants include:

  - Multiple Stomach Compartments: Ruminants have four stomach compartments - the rumen, reticulum, omasum, and abomasum.

  - Herbivorous Diet: Ruminants are herbivores, primarily consuming plant-based diets.

  - Efficient Digestion: The multiple stomach compartments allow for efficient digestion of fibrous plant materials through a process of regurgitation and rechewing (rumination).

  - Products: Ruminants contribute to livestock farming by providing meat (beef, lamb), milk, and wool (in the case of sheep).

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Examine the role of selective breeding practices in livestock farming.

Selective breeding is a crucial aspect of livestock farming where breeders intentionally mate animals to enhance specific traits. Examples include:

  - Cattle: Selective breeding in dairy cattle (e.g., Holstein) aims to improve milk production, while beef cattle breeding (e.g., Angus) focuses on meat quality and yield.

  - Poultry: Breeding programs aim to improve egg-laying efficiency in layers and meat yield in broilers.

  - Swine: Selective breeding enhances traits such as growth rate, feed efficiency, and meat quality.

  - Sheep: Breeding programs focus on improving wool quality and quantity, as well as meat production.

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Discuss the characteristics and purposes of equines in agriculture.

 Equines, including horses and donkeys, have been integral to agriculture, serving various purposes:

  - Horses: Traditionally used for ploughing fields, transportation, and carrying goods. They played a vital role in powering agricultural activities before the advent of mechanisation.

  - Donkeys: Known for their strength and endurance, donkeys have been used for carrying loads, especially in regions with challenging terrains.


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Explain the concept of breeding practices in livestock farming.

 Breeding practices in livestock farming involve intentional mating to enhance desirable traits. Methods include:

  - Artificial Insemination: Farmers use semen from selected male animals to impregnate females, allowing controlled breeding for specific traits without direct mating.

  - Selective Breeding: Breeders choose animals with desired traits for mating, ensuring the passing on of beneficial characteristics to offspring.

  - Genetic Engineering: Involves modifying an animal's DNA to introduce or enhance specific traits. While not as widespread as other methods, genetic engineering holds potential for precise trait manipulation.

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