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Importance of Animal Husbandry - JSS1 Agricultural science Past Questions and Answers - page 2


Discuss the economic importance of animal husbandry and highlight various products derived from livestock farming.

Animal husbandry holds significant economic importance as it contributes to the production of various products and services. Livestock farming provides meat, milk, eggs, wool, and leather, which are essential components of human diets and industries. These products contribute to the livelihoods of farmers, employment generation, and the overall economy.

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Explain the social and cultural significance of animal husbandry.

Animal husbandry holds social and cultural significance, woven into the fabric of communities through traditional ceremonies and cultural practices. Livestock are often central to ceremonies, rituals, and celebrations, symbolising prosperity, fertility, and cultural identity. In many cultures, specific animals have sacred significance and are used in religious ceremonies.

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Discuss the environmental impact of animal husbandry, particularly in the context of large-scale industrial farming.

Large-scale industrial animal farming can have significant environmental impacts, including deforestation, pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions. Deforestation often occurs to create space for extensive livestock operations. Pollution arises from animal waste runoff, leading to water contamination. Greenhouse gas emissions, particularly methane from ruminant digestion, contribute to climate change.

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Explore the role of animal husbandry in promoting biodiversity and ecosystem health.

Animal husbandry, when practised sustainably, can contribute to biodiversity conservation and ecosystem health. Livestock grazing can mimic natural herbivore-landscape interactions, promoting plant diversity and preventing monoculture. Integrating livestock into agroecosystems can enhance nutrient cycling, benefiting soil health and plant diversity. Selective breeding and conservation efforts for traditional livestock breeds can also help maintain genetic diversity.

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Examine the role of animal husbandry in ensuring food security.

Animal husbandry plays a crucial role in ensuring food security by providing a diverse array of animal products rich in essential nutrients. Livestock farming contributes to meeting protein, vitamin, and mineral requirements in human diets. However, challenges to sustainable food security in animal husbandry include overreliance on certain species, environmental degradation, and issues related to animal welfare.

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