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Methods of Pest and Disease Control in Agriculture - JSS1 Agricultural science Past Questions and Answers - page 2


Examine the principles and applications of cultural control methods in agriculture.

Cultural control methods involve modifying cultural practices to reduce the impact of pests and diseases in agriculture. Examples include:

  - Crop Rotation: Changing the type of crops planted in specific fields from season to season to disrupt pest life cycles.

  - Intercropping: Planting different crops in proximity to create ecological diversity and reduce the concentration of pests.

  - Polyculture: Growing multiple crops in the same area to enhance biodiversity and create a less favourable environment for pests.

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Explore the concept of biological control in agriculture.

Biological control involves using natural enemies to manage pest populations in agriculture. Examples include:

  - Predators: Natural enemies that actively hunt and consume pests, such as ladybugs feeding on aphids.

  - Parasitoids: Insects that lay eggs on or inside pests, with the hatched larvae consuming the host, like parasitic wasps attacking caterpillars.

Benefits of biological control include minimal environmental impact, sustainability, and the potential for long-term pest control without chemical residues.

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Discuss the role of chemical control methods in agriculture.

Chemical control methods involve the use of chemical pesticides to control pest and disease populations. Types of chemical pesticides include:

  - Insecticides: Targeting insect pests.

  - Fungicides: Controlling fungal diseases.

  - Herbicides: Managing weed populations.

   Considerations for sustainable pesticide use include:

  - Selective Application: Targeting specific pests while minimising impact on non-target organisms.

  - Dosage Control: Applying the right amount of pesticide to achieve effective control without excessive use.

  - Alternative Options: Integrating chemical control with other methods in an IPM approach to reduce reliance on chemical pesticides.


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Examine physical control methods in pest and disease management.

Physical control methods involve using physical means to prevent or reduce pest infestations. Examples include:

  - Installing Insect Screens: Using mesh barriers to prevent insects from reaching crops.

  - Mulching: Applying organic or synthetic materials to the soil surface to suppress weed growth.

  - Mechanical Devices: Using traps, barriers, or mechanical means to physically deter or capture pests.


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Discuss the principles and strategies of integrated pest management (IPM) in agriculture.


Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a holistic approach to pest and disease management that combines various methods:

  - Cultural Control: Altering cultural practices to disrupt pest life cycles.

  - Biological Control: Using natural enemies to control pest populations.

  - Chemical Control: Judicious use of chemical pesticides with minimal environmental impact.

  - Physical Control: Using physical barriers or devices to prevent or reduce pest infestations.


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