Review of Key Concepts - JSS1 Agricultural science Past Questions and Answers - page 2


Which approach focuses on conserving natural resources and promoting ecosystem resilience?


Synthetic farming




Tillage-intensive agriculture


Genetic engineering

correct option: b
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What does sustainable resource management in agriculture prioritise?


Depletion of natural resources


Maximising environmental impacts


Preservation and enhancement of soil, water, and biodiversity


Ignoring economic principles

correct option: c
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Which factor influences animal productivity in livestock farming?


Market demand


Soil composition


Breeding and nutrition


Crop rotation

correct option: c
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What is a primary concern of sustainable agriculture?


Maximising short-term profits


Minimising environmental degradation


Disregarding economic factors


Ignoring social responsibility

correct option: b
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Which approach aims to reduce soil erosion and improve water use efficiency?


Heavy tillage


Synthetic fertilisation


Conservation agriculture


Monoculture farming

correct option: c
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Discuss the interconnectedness of agricultural systems and explain how understanding this concept is essential for sustainable farming practices.

Understanding the interconnectedness of agricultural systems is crucial for sustainable farming practices. This concept emphasises the interdependence of crops, livestock, and the environment in agricultural ecosystems. For instance, proper crop rotation not only enhances soil fertility but also reduces pest pressure, benefiting both crops and livestock. Moreover, integrating livestock into cropping systems through practices like rotational grazing can improve soil health by recycling nutrients and enhancing soil structure. Recognizing these interconnections allows farmers to implement holistic and sustainable farming practices that optimise resource use, minimise environmental impacts, and promote ecosystem resilience.

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Describe the principles of sustainable resource management in agriculture, focusing on soil, water, and biodiversity conservation.

Sustainable resource management in agriculture prioritises the preservation and enhancement of soil, water, and biodiversity for long-term productivity and environmental health. Soil conservation techniques such as minimal tillage and cover cropping help prevent soil erosion and maintain soil fertility. Efficient water management practices like drip irrigation and rainwater harvesting conserve water resources and minimise wastage. Biodiversity conservation measures, such as maintaining hedgerows and riparian buffers, support natural pest control and ecosystem services. By implementing these principles, farmers can sustainably manage resources, mitigate environmental degradation, and ensure the resilience of agricultural systems.

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Explain the economic considerations that influence decision-making in agriculture, including cost-benefit analysis, market dynamics, and the role of agricultural economics.

Economic considerations significantly influence decision-making in agriculture. Cost-benefit analysis helps farmers evaluate the financial viability of different farming practices and investment decisions. Understanding market dynamics, including supply and demand fluctuations and price trends, enables farmers to adapt their production strategies to maximise profitability. Additionally, agricultural economics provides insights into resource allocation, risk management, and policy implications for farm management. By incorporating economic principles into decision-making processes, farmers can optimise resource use, enhance farm profitability, and contribute to sustainable agricultural development.

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Compare and contrast organic farming, agroecology, and conservation agriculture as approaches to sustainable agriculture, highlighting their principles and practices.

Organic farming, agroecology, and conservation agriculture are all approaches to sustainable agriculture that prioritise environmental stewardship and resilience in farming. Organic farming emphasises the use of natural inputs and prohibits synthetic chemicals to promote soil health and produce healthy crops. Agroecology integrates ecological principles into agricultural systems, enhancing biodiversity and supporting natural pest control. Conservation agriculture focuses on reducing soil erosion, improving water use efficiency, and enhancing soil health through minimal tillage, cover cropping, and crop rotation. While each approach has unique principles and practices, they share a common goal of promoting sustainable farming systems that minimise environmental impacts and enhance farm resilience.

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Discuss the environmental impacts of agricultural practices and the importance of adopting environmentally friendly approaches to farming for long-term sustainability.

Agricultural practices can have significant environmental impacts, including soil erosion, water pollution, habitat destruction, and greenhouse gas emissions. Soil erosion from intensive tillage and monoculture farming reduces soil fertility and degrades ecosystems. Chemical fertilisers and pesticides can leach into water bodies, contaminating water sources and harming aquatic life. Deforestation for agricultural expansion destroys natural habitats and reduces biodiversity. Additionally, livestock farming contributes to greenhouse gas emissions through methane production and deforestation for pastureland. Adopting environmentally friendly approaches such as organic farming, agroecology, and conservation agriculture can mitigate these impacts, promote ecosystem health, and contribute to sustainable food production.

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