Earth and space - JSS1 Basic science Past Questions and Answers - page 1
What is the main celestial body in our solar system?
What causes day and night on Earth?
Solar flares
Rotation on its axis
Revolution around the Moon
What phenomenon occurs when the Moon blocks sunlight from reaching the Earth?
Solar eclipse
Lunar eclipse
Tidal wave
Meteor shower
How long does it take for Earth to complete one revolution around the Sun?
24 hours
1 month
365.25 days
7 days
What causes the change in seasons on Earth?
Distance from the Sun
Tilt of Earth's axis
Rotation speed
Moon's gravitational pull
Which type of eclipse occurs when the Moon blocks the Sun's light?
Solar eclipse
Lunar eclipse
Total eclipse
Partial eclipse
What is a satellite?
A planet
A star
An object orbiting a larger celestial body
A comet
What is the main purpose of communication satellites?
Monitoring weather
Broadcasting TV signals
Studying planets
Tracking asteroids
Which technology relies on satellites for accurate positioning and navigation?
What is the significance of Earth observation satellites?
Studying distant galaxies
Monitoring climate change
Broadcasting radio signals
Exploring deep-sea trenches