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Structure Design Project - JSS1 Basic technology Past Questions and Answers - page 2


What is an important consideration when selecting a project topic?


Choosing a topic that is easy to complete


Selecting a topic that reflects real world structures


Picking a topic that requires minimal materials


Ensuring the topic is unique

correct option: b
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What should the final step of the project involve?


Presenting the completed project


Starting a new project


Writing a detailed report


Cleaning up the work area

correct option: a
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What is a truss structure, and why might it be a good project topic?


A type of decorative structure; because it looks good


A type of geometric structure that supports load


A type of flexible structure; because it is easy to build


A type of temporary structure; because it is quick to construct

correct option: b
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How can students ensure they adhere to safety protocols during construction?


By working quickly to finish early


By following the teacher's instructions


By ignoring minor safety rules


By working alone to avoid distractions

correct option: b
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Why is reflection and feedback important at the end of the project?


It helps students understand their strengths


It adds unnecessary time to the project


It is not important


It allows students to compare their work

correct option: a
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Explain the importance of analysing structures in Basic Technology

Analysing structures is essential in Basic Technology because it helps ensure the safety, stability, and functionality of various constructions. It involves understanding how structures respond to different forces and conditions, allowing engineers and designers to predict potential issues and enhance structural performance. This knowledge prevents catastrophic failures, reduces risks, and promotes efficient material use. Structural analysis also fosters critical thinking and problem-solving skills, preparing students for future careers in engineering, architecture, and construction.

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Describe the basic concepts of structural analysis: loads, stresses, and strains.

Structural analysis involves understanding the effects of loads, stresses, and strains on structures. Loads are external forces acting on a structure, including dead loads (permanent static forces like the weight of the structure), live loads (temporary forces like people and furniture), and environmental loads (natural forces like wind and earthquakes). Stresses are internal forces resisting these loads, such as tensile stress (pulling forces), compressive stress (pushing forces), and shear stress (sliding forces). Strains are the deformations resulting from these stresses, indicating how much a structure changes in response to appliedl oads. Analysing these factors ensures that structures can withstand applied forces without failing.

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Give an example of a structural failure and explain its cause and prevention.

The collapse of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge in 1940 is a notable example of structural failure. It was caused by aeroelastic flutter, where wind-induced vibrations increased in amplitude until the bridge failed. This failure occurred because the bridge design did not adequately account for the effects of dynamic wind forces. To prevent similar failures, engineers now incorporate aerodynamic considerations into bridge designs, use wind tunnel testing, and apply damping systems to reduce vibrations. This example underscores the importance of comprehensive structural analysis, proper construction practices, and adherence to design specifications to ensure stability and safety.

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What is tensile stress and how does it affect structures?

Tensile stress is the internal force per unit area within a material that resists stretching or pulling forces. When a structure is subjected to tensile stress, it experiences elongation or stretching, which can affect its integrity if not properly accounted for in the design. Materials must be chosen and designed to handle the expected tensile stresses without failing. For example, in bridges and cables, tensile stress is a critical factor, and materials like steel are used because of their high tensile strength. Properly managing tensile stress ensures that structures can handle the loads they are subjected to without breaking or deforming excessively.

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What was the primary cause of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge collapse, and what lesson was learned?

The primary cause of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge collapse was aeroelastic flutter, a phenomenon where wind-induced vibrations progressively increased in amplitude until the bridge failed. This collapse highlighted the critical importance of considering dynamic wind loads and the flexibility of structures in the design process. The lesson learned was that engineering designs must account for not only static loads but also dynamic and environmental forces that can significantly impact structural stability. This event led to advancements in aerodynamic design and wind engineering to prevent similar failures in the future.


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