Call to service II: Joseph (Gen 37:12-36) - JSS1 Christian Religious Studies Past Questions and Answers - page 1
Narrate Joseph's first dream
In the first dream, Joseph and his brothers were binding grass in the field. Then his brothers’ grass bowed to his. When he told his brothers his dreams, they were very angry. “Are you indeed to reign over us? Or are you indeed to have domain over use? Joseph’s brothers hated him for this dream. They were jealous that he would be a great man in future.
Why were his brothers angry?
They were jealous that he would be a great man in future.
Narrate Joseph's second dream?
In the second dream, Joseph saw the sun, moon and the eleven stars bow to him. This meant that Jacob, his father, Racheal his mother and his eleven brothers would one day bow to him.
What did Joseph's brothers do to him when he brought them food in the fields?
His brothers caught him and sold him to “Ishmaelite traders” the traders took Joseph to Egypt where they sold him as a slave.
Joseph's brothers were_______ with him over his dream