Marriage - JSS1 Christian Religious Studies Past Questions and Answers - page 1
Why is marriage considered a union?
It is considered a union because it is the union between a mature man and woman as husband and wife to raise a family.
In what ways are humans to partake in God's creative activities?
1. To procreate. That is, to bring new life into being in marriage.
2. To develop the natural resources of the earth for the benefit of all mankind.
Who is the institutor of marriage?
Marriage was instituted and ordained by God for procreation and fulfilment.
Mention 4 types of marriages practiced around the world.
1. Common Law Marriage: This is the type of which has a legal document to back it up. The couple will have to sign the document in a registry in their local environment in the presence of at least two witnesses.
2. Monogamy or Monogamous Marriage: This is the marriage between a man and a woman. Usually, a Christian marriage is expected to be monogamous.
3. Polygamy or Polygamous Marriage: This is the marriage between more a man and than one wife. This means that the man can marry two or more wives.
4. Polyandry: This is kind of marriage which allows a woman to marry more than one husband. This type of marriage is not common, it is only practiced in some parts of the world
What does the holy Bible say about those who get married?
The Holy Bible makes us to see that they are no more two but one flesh.
Humans can continue the work of God through ______
_______ is the union between a man and a woman.
_________ is a type of marriage that is backed by law
Common law marriage
Ordinance marriage.