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Evolution of information and communication technology II - JSS1 Computer Sudies Past Questions and Answers - page 2


In the 21st century, what became a focus in the development of computing device


Mechanical calculators


Internet of Things


Vacuum tubes


Color television

correct option: b
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What technology allowed users to store and access data remotely in the 21st century?




Streaming services


Cloud computing


Vacuum Tubes

correct option: c
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Explain the key developments in radio technology, from the late 19th century to the digital revolution. Highlight the contributions of scientists like Heinrich Hertz, Nikola Tesla, and Guglielmo Marconi.

The radio's evolution began with scientific discoveries related to electromagnetic waves in the late 19th century. Heinrich Hertz, Nikola Tesla, and Guglielmo Marconi played crucial roles. Marconi's successful transmission of wireless signals across the Atlantic in the early 20th century marked a breakthrough, leading to the "Golden Age of Radio" in the 1920s. Technological advancements like FM radio and digital broadcasting have since transformed the radio into a global communication marvel.

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Trace the history of television from its conceptualization in the late 19th century to the digital era. Discuss inventors like Paul Nipkow, John Logie Baird, and Philo Farnsworth, and explore significant milestones, such as the 1939 World's Fair and the transition from analog to digital broadcasting

Television's history began with inventors like Paul Nipkow and John Logie Baird in the late 19th century. Philo Farnsworth's demonstration of the first fully electronic television system in 1927 marked a breakthrough. The 1930s saw experimental broadcasts, and by the late 1930s, regular programming began. Post-World War II, television expanded rapidly, introducing color in the 1950s. The transition to digital broadcasting, cable, satellite TV, and the internet age further transformed television viewing.

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Summarize the evolution of computers, from ancient counting devices like the abacus to the 21st-century era of smartphones, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence. Highlight key inventions and advancements, including mechanical calculators, electronic computers like ENIAC, the rise of personal computers, and the impact of the internet on computing.

The history of computers started with ancient counting devices and progressed through mechanical calculators in the 17th century. Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine laid the foundation for electronic computers. The 20th century saw the development of ENIAC, transistors, and integrated circuits. Personal computers emerged in the 1970s and 1980s, followed by the internet age in the 1990s. The 21st century brought mobile computing, cloud computing, and advancements like artificial intelligence, showcasing a remarkable journey of innovation.

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