Human immunodeficiency virus (Hiv/Aids) - JSS1 Home Economics Past Questions and Answers - page 1
Define Hiv/Aids.
This is a virus attacks and weakens the immune system and as the immune system weakens, the person is at risk of getting life threatening infections and cancers. When that happens , the illness is called AIDS. Once a person has the virus, it stays inside the body for life.
Outline five ways through which Hiv/Aids could be contacted.
1. Sexual intercourse.
2. Blood transfusion.
3. Share of a needle with an Hiv/Aids patient during injections.
4. Sharing of any sharp object like razor blade, pin with an infected person.
5. Blood contact with the blood of an infected person through cut, injuries.
Give three ways by which Hiv/Aids cannot be contacted.
1. By sharing food, touching, hugging and shaking hands, sitting close to people who have Hiv/Aids.
2. Sharing toilets or latrines.
3. Mosquitoes or other insects do not transmit Hiv/Aids.
Mention four preventive measures of Hiv/Aids.
1. Abstain from pre-marital sex.
2. Mothers with Hiv/Aids are advised not to breastfeed their babies.
3. Always insist on screened blood and ensure a new needle is used for each injection.
4. Avoid sharing sharp objects (e.g needles, razors and clippers) at salons.
Give 5 symptoms of Hiv/6Aids patients.
1. The patient has prolonged headache and high temperature with fever.
2. There is loss of appetite by the patient.
3. The patient usually feels weak for any hard work.
4. The patient may have bulging stomach and suffer frequent stooling.
5. The patient losses hair on the head.
What is HIV?
a bacterial infection
a virus that attacks the immune system
type of cancer
a fungal infection
HIV can be transmitted through casual contact like shaking hands or hugging.
How is HIV primarily transmitted?
through mosquito bites
through sharing food and drinks
through sexual contact and sharing of needles
through airborne particles
HIV can be transmitted through blood, semen, vaginal fluids, and breast milk.
What does HIV stand for?
human influenza virus
- human immunodeficiency virus
human insect vector
human inflammatory virus