Ways of Solving Common Social Problems - JSS1 Social studies Past Questions and Answers - page 1
What is one potential impact of social problems on individuals?
Improved mental well-being
Increased financial stability
Enhanced educational opportunities
How can governments contribute to solving social problems?
Through creating more divisive policies
By ignoring the root causes
Formulating policies targeting root causes
What is a consequence of economic challenges stemming from social problems?
Improved economic growth
Financial hardships for individuals and communities
Decreased unemployment rates
What is a potential result of strained relationships caused by social issues?
Increased social cohesion
Improved community bonding
A divisive atmosphere
How can individuals contribute to solving social issues through civic society participation?
Avoiding community engagement
Ignoring advocacy efforts
Active involvement in community initiatives
What role does advocacy play in civic society participation?
Promoting social issues
Discouraging community engagement
Amplifying the community's voice
In personal discipline, what might contribute to a healthier outlook on life?
Encouraging excessive consumption
Fostering loyalty to positive values
Ignoring ethical principles
What can governments enforce to promote social justice and equality?
Ignoring laws
Creating divisive policies
Implementing and enforcing laws
How can civic society actively contribute to positive change at the grassroots level?
Avoiding community initiatives
Volunteering and community engagement
Ignoring community problems
What is a potential consequence of discrimination in society?
Improved inclusivity
Strained relationships
Enhanced social harmony