Forces and Friction - JSS2 Basic technology Past Questions and Answers - page 2


What type of force is transmitted through a rope when it is pulled tight?


Gravitational force


Normal force


Tensional force


Frictional force

correct option: c
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Which force is responsible for holding a magnet to a metal surface?


Gravitational force


Frictional force


Electrostatic force


Magnetic force

correct option: d
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Which of the following reduces air resistance in vehicles?


Increasing surface area


Streamlining the shape


Adding more weight


Using rough surfaces

correct option: b
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What is the effect of friction when walking?


Makes it difficult to move


Helps to walk without slipping 


Increases the speed


Reduces the effort needed

correct option: b
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How does friction affect the motion of a sliding object?


Increases its speed


Reduces wear and tear


Opposes its motion


Creates a vacuum

correct option: c
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Describe the different types of forces and give examples of each.

Forces are fundamental interactions that can cause objects to move or change their shape. Gravitational force attracts objects towards the Earth, as seen in the falling of an apple. Frictional force opposes motion between surfaces, like the resistance felt when sliding a book across a table. Magnetic force causes attraction or repulsion between magnetic objects, evident in the interaction between a magnet and iron filings. Electrostatic force occurs between charged particles, such as the static cling of clothes removed from a dryer. Tensional force is transmitted through a rope or string under tension, like in a game of tug-of-war. Normal force supports the weight of objects resting on surfaces, preventing them from falling.

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What are the effects of friction on motion, and how can it be both beneficial and detrimental?

  Friction affects motion by opposing the movement of objects, which can be both beneficial and detrimental. Beneficially, friction allows us to walk without slipping and enables vehicles to grip the road. It also helps in tasks like writing or holding objects. However, friction can be detrimental by causing wear and tear on mechanical parts, leading to damage and reduced lifespan. It also generates heat, which can decrease the efficiency of machines. Managing friction through lubrication and smoothing surfaces is crucial to harnessing its benefits while minimising its drawbacks.

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Explain various techniques for reducing friction and their practical applications.

Reducing friction is essential to improve efficiency and longevity of mechanical systems. Lubrication, such as applying oil or grease, creates a slippery layer between surfaces, reducing friction and wear. Smoothing surfaces by polishing minimises roughness, decreasing resistance. Using wheels or rollers converts sliding friction to rolling friction, which is lower and more manageable. Ball bearings are employed in machinery to facilitate smooth motion by reducing contact between moving parts. Streamlining shapes, like in vehicle design, reduces air and water resistance, enhancing performance and fuel efficiency.

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How does a pulley system work, and what are its advantages in lifting heavy objects?

A pulley system consists of a wheel with a grooved rim and a rope or cable that runs along the groove. When force is applied to one end of the rope, the wheel turns, lifting the load attached to the other end. Fixed pulleys change the direction of the applied force, making it easier to lift objects. Movable pulleys reduce the amount of force needed by distributing the load across multiple ropes. This system is advantageous in lifting heavy objects in construction and other applications, as it allows for greater mechanical advantage and easier handling of substantial weights.

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What is the role of friction in everyday tasks, and how can it be managed to enhance efficiency?

Friction is crucial in everyday tasks, providing the necessary resistance for walking, holding objects, and performing manual tasks. For instance, friction between shoes and the ground prevents slipping, and friction between our hands and objects allows us to grip and manipulate them. To manage friction and enhance efficiency, lubricants can be applied to reduce resistance in moving parts, surfaces can be polished to decrease roughness, and rolling elements like wheels can be used to minimise sliding friction. Proper management of friction ensures smooth operation of machines, prolongs the life of components, and reduces energy consumption.

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