Consumer Rights - JSS2 Business studies Past Questions and Answers - page 2


Explain what consumer rights aim to achieve in the marketplace.

Consumer rights aim to ensure fair and ethical treatment of consumers by providing protections such as safety, access to information, choice, redress, and representation.

Users' Answers & Comments

How did consumerism originate, and why did it become prominent in the 20th century?

Consumerism originated in Western industrialized societies in the 20th century as a response to increased mass production, advertising, and material abundance, which led to a culture emphasizing the acquisition and consumption of goods and services as a source of happiness and social status.

Users' Answers & Comments

What are some examples of consumer rights, and why are they important?

Examples of consumer rights include the right to safety, information, choice, redress, and representation. These rights are important because they empower consumers to make informed decisions, protect themselves from harm, and seek recourse when faced with unsatisfactory products or services.

Users' Answers & Comments

How does consumer awareness contribute to a fair and transparent marketplace?

Consumer awareness contributes to a fair and transparent marketplace by ensuring that individuals understand their rights and responsibilities as consumers, enabling them to make informed decisions, hold businesses accountable for their actions, and advocate for their interests collectively.

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Describe some challenges associated with promoting consumer awareness.

Some challenges associated with promoting consumer awareness include lack of access to information, deceptive marketing practices, limited consumer education, language barriers, and unequal power dynamics between consumers and businesses.

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Why is it important for consumers to have the right to redress?

The right to redress is important because it allows consumers to seek compensation or resolution for any harm or losses suffered as a result of purchasing defective or unsatisfactory products or services, ensuring that they are not left financially or physically disadvantaged.

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What role do technological advancements play in the spread of consumerism globally?

Technological advancements, such as mass production techniques, transportation networks, and communication technologies, have facilitated the spread of consumerism globally by increasing access to goods and services, enabling advertising and marketing on a larger scale, and connecting consumers across different regions and cultures.

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How can consumer rights organizations contribute to promoting consumer welfare?

Consumer rights organizations can contribute to promoting consumer welfare by advocating for stronger consumer protections, providing education and resources to empower consumers, conducting research and investigations into consumer issues, and lobbying policymakers for legislative reforms to address consumer concerns.

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