week one- Grammar : Adjectives Literature in English-Introduction to prose, features of prose, Comprehension passage from CHILD LABOUR AND CHILD TRAFFICKING speech work revision consonants - JSS2 English language Past Questions and Answers - page 1
What are consonant sounds?
Sounds produced when the organs of speech experience contacts between themselves.
Sounds produced when the voicebox is used.
Sounds produced when the organs of speech do not touch each other.
Sounds produced when the voicebox is not used.
How many consonant sounds are there in English?
Which of the following is a voiced and voiceless pair?
/p/ /b/
/h/ /w/
/n/ /m/
/r/ /j/
Which of the following is a voiced consonant?
What is the voiced consonant sound for 'yes'?
What is the subject matter discussed in the passage?
Child labour and trafficking
Sexual harassment
Debt bondage
Exploitation by the God sent men
The third paragraph identifies another set of victims of child trafficking, who are they?
children from Europe
Some business man
Sexual harassment and exploitation
Self bondage
List the four methods used by child traffickers to get their victims as discussed in the fourth paragraph.
Prayer, deceit, tough time and hard work
Promise for schooling, good job, furthering their education.
Harassment, serious hazards, economic, prostitution.
Child abuse, physically forced, inexperienced, pretended
What is the writer’s opinion on child trafficking?
To avoid child labour and trafficking
To reinforce it in the society
To silence the victim
To revive child labour in the society
She went through hell on earth, what figurative expression is this?