Decision making - JSS2 Home economics Past Questions and Answers - page 1


Define decision making.

Decision making can be defined as the act of making choices. It is the process of a choice from alternative courses of action or things. It is the ability to make-up ones mind as regards a particular issue or issues or problems. 

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Mention 5 importance of decision making.

1. It helps to minimize mistakes.

2. It assists us in taking responsibility for our actions.

3. It helps us to identify our values and stand by it.

4. It helps us to know more about ourselves and others.

5. Decision making also helps us to build self-esteem.


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State 5 steps to decision making.

1. Identify the decision to be made: It includes defining the situation or problem that requires a decision. It helps to know what, where and how to solve the problem at hand.

2. List the alternatives: Alternatives are different ways of doing a thing or things. List the alternatives means making a list of possible ways to sole the issue or issues and getting information on all the issues.

3. Choose the best alternative: This involves making the best choice from all the alternatives that will be able to meet your need or needs. To do this, you have to think about your values, goals, wants, money available and needs.

4. Act on your decision: Carry out your decision to the best of your ability. This means going to buy or do what you have decided .e.g buying foodstuffs for the family before paying for school fees.

5. Evaluate your decision: This means judging the quality of the decision made or how well it worked for you. Sometimes, if the outcome of a decision is not what you expected, or hoped for, you have to make a new decision.


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Explain 5 factors that influence decision making.

1. Family: Family members usually willing and eager to help other members, especially teenagers to make good decisions.

2. Resources: The human and material resources available will influence ones decision e.g time, money, knowledge, etc.

3. Friends: Friends have a strong influence on each other and can influence each other in decision making.

4. Needs and wants: The needs and wants of the family influence their decision. The needs will be considered before the wants.

5. Values: The decisions you make are always based on what you consider important. For example, your value will determine whether you watch a movie or study your book at night.


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List 4 simple personal decisions.

  1. Educational decisions
  2. Food related decision
  3. Clothing related decisions
  4. Housing related decisions
  5. Choosing friends
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What is decision-making? 


random selection of options


the process of choosing between alternatives to reach a goal 


following others choices without thinking


avoiding making choices altogether 

correct option: b
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Decision-making involves considering different options and their consequences.





correct option: a
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Which of the following is a step in the decision-making process? 


jumping to conclusion without considering alternatives  


gathering information and evaluating options 


making impulsive choices without thinking 


ignoring the outcomes of decisions

correct option: b
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Decision-making skills are only important in adulthood  





correct option: b
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What is the purpose of brainstorming in decision-making? 


to limit creativity and innovation 


to evaluate options objectively


to generate a list of possible solutions or ideas


 make decisions quickly without considering alternatives

correct option: b
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