Fellowship in the early church - JSS3 Christian Religious Studies Past Questions and Answers - page 1


Explain Peter’s speech on Pentecost day

The coming of the Holy Spirit made a great impact in the spiritual life and psyche of the apostles. They were filled boldness, courage and power to witness Christ to people. Peter who had been afraid and had denied Jesus before now demonstrated boldness and courage to defend the disciples against mockery of drunkenness. He was empowered by the Holy Spirit to speak to the multitude that the apostles were not drunk but were filled with the power of the Holy Ghost.

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Describe the Communal life of the early church. 

Jesus Christ established the church while He was here earth during His three and half year’s ministry on earth. Peter became the leader of the church and he was assisted by other apostles. The early believers stayed together as a family, praying and doing things together. The whole church devoted themselves to the teaching of the apostles on the kingdom of God. The communal living and strong fellowship was such that torched every area of their lives and interests. As a result of these they had everything in common. This meant that nobody claimed ownership of anything; it was a collective ownership of everything. Those that were rich ensured that nobody lacked food and necessities of life. 

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What does togetherness of the church entail 

Togetherness in the early church means the co-operation that existed in the church at the low ebb of church development when Christians were few in number. It is the communal life enjoyed by the members of the early church where they eat together, break bread together, solve problems together, pray together, worship together, cater for one another’s needs together, pursue common goal of evangelization of the world and do other things in common.

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Describe the place of love as a present factor in the early church

1. Foundation of Community:

• Unity and Fellowship: Love was the foundation of the early Christian community. Believers were united in their faith and shared a deep sense of fellowship. They supported and cared for one another, creating a strong and loving community (Acts 2:42-47).

2. Sharing and Generosity:

• Meeting Needs: The early Christians demonstrated love by sharing their possessions and resources. They sold their property and belongings to help those in need, ensuring that no one among them lacked anything (Acts 4:32-35).

• Generous Hearts: Their generosity and willingness to share were expressions of their love for each other and their commitment to following Jesus’ teachings.

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List some moral lessons to learn from the early church

1. Christians today should learn to move with Spirit of togetherness.

2. Co-operation in the church is better than conflict.

3. In difficult situations, Christians need to stay and pray together like the Christians of the old.

4. Group prayer(s) can perform signs and wonders as it was in the olden days (early Christian days).

5. We should love our Christian fellows and share bread with them.


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 The ______ church was formed by the first set of people that followed Jesus 


Late night 



correct option: b
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The first of people that followed Jesus were the _______ 





correct option: b
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 The first convert made by the disciples were about _______ people





correct option: b
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 _______ has ever been their guide


The holy spirit


The devil 

correct option: a
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 The coming of the _________ made a great impact in the spiritual life of the people


Holy spirit of 


anti Christ

correct option: a
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