Signpost of Paul's conversion - JSS3 Christian Religious Studies Past Questions and Answers - page 1


What are some notable changed that occured in Paul's life after his conversion.

1. Paul’s conversion to the christian faith marked a turning point in his life.

2. It enabled him as a person to discover God’s purpose for him on earth.

3. Paul was changed from the status of a persecutor to that of a vessel and messenger of God and preacher of the whole word of God.

4. When his new found passion pointed to the direction of proclaiming the kingdom of God through the name of Jesus, Paul’s understanding of Jewish history and religion also changed.


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What are some lessons to learn from Paul's childhood?

1. When we talk of prominence, and fame, Paul had a large and influential family connection. We must learn to live a life of humility and tolerance of others despite our rich family background.

2. He was brought up strictly in the Jewish religion and lived all his life pursuing the cause which his ancestors stood for. We must learn that what a person becomes when he grows up is determined largely by his childhood foundation.

3. Paul was born in Tarsus in Cilicia, and despite the fact that Tarsus was a centre of learning and education in his time, his father sent him to his roots in Jerusalem to be acquainted with the culture, language and tradition of the Hebrew nation. As Christians we must insist that our children should get acquainted with the culture, language and tradition of our people.

4. Paul’s religious training and zealousness as a Pharisee made him develop hospitality towards the early Christians. Christian parents must learn to send their children to educational institutions where broad based learning is inculcated.


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What was the significance of Paul's conversion.

1. Paul was a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia, but brought up in Jerusalem as a student of Gamaliel, a great rabbi and scholar of the Jewish religious laws.

2. He received strict instructions in the laws of the Jews and was dedicated to God.

3. His father was a Jew and of the Pharisee sect, who had become a Roman citizen by acquisition.

4. Paul was of the natural unmixed blood of the tribe of Benjamin whose parentage and upbringing made him call himself a Hebrew of Hebrews.

5. Paul had a large and influential family connection, and had everything going for him.


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Paul's desire to persecute was birthed in his upbringing and religious beliefs. Discuss

Paul's upbringing in Tarsus, a city steeped in Greek culture and philosophy, may have influenced his rigid adherence to Jewish law and tradition. His education under the renowned Rabbi Gamaliel further solidified his commitment to Pharisaic teachings.

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What wrong notions can people have about God?

1. God as a punisher or judge: Some individuals view God solely as a punitive figure, emphasizing judgment and condemnation over love and mercy.


2. God as a genie: Some people perceive God as a granter of wishes, expecting instant answers to their prayers without cultivating a deeper relationship.


3. God as distant or uninvolved: Some may see God as uninterested or detached from human affairs, rather than a loving presence actively engaged in their lives.


4. God as limited by human expectations: People may impose their own limitations or biases on God, constraining the divine nature with human thinking.

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There are _______ sign post of Paul conversion





correct option: b
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There are ______ moral lesson of Paul conversion 




correct option: b
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 There are ______ significance of Paul conversion 





correct option: a
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After Paul conversion, he became an _______ of spreading the gospel of Christ





correct option: b
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 Paul wrote many _______ under the inspiration of the holy spirit





correct option: b
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