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Lesson notes 13-unit 13 - JSS3 English language Past Questions and Answers - page 1


Comprehension Questions:

What are the four stages of the butterfly life cycle?


The four stages of the butterfly life cycle are egg, larva (caterpillar), pupa (chrysalis), and adult butterfly.

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Comprehension Questions:

Where do female butterflies lay their eggs?


Female butterflies lay their eggs on the leaves of a plant.


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Comprehension Questions:

What is the primary goal of the caterpillar stage?


The primary goal of the caterpillar stage is to eat and store energy for the next phase of their life cycle.


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Comprehension Questions:

What happens during the pupa stage?


During the pupa stage, the caterpillar undergoes metamorphosis, transforming into a butterfly.

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Comprehension Questions:

How long can the pupa stage last?


The pupa stage can last from a few weeks to several months, depending on the species and environmental conditions.


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Comprehension Questions:

Describe what happens when the adult butterfly first emerges from the chrysalis.


When the adult butterfly first emerges from the chrysalis, its wings are soft and crumpled. After a few hours, they expand and harden, allowing the butterfly to fly.


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Comprehension Questions:

How long can adult butterflies live?


The life span of adult butterflies can vary greatly, from a few days to several months.


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Comprehension Questions:

What role do butterflies play in the ecosystem?


Butterflies play an essential role in the ecosystem as pollinators, helping plants reproduce by transferring pollen from one flower to another.


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Exercise 1: Identify the Consonant Sounds

Identify the consonant sound in the following words and categorise them based on their manner and place of articulation, as well as their voicing.

1. Bat

2. Fish

3. Judge

4. Van

5. Sing

6. Ship

7. Hat

8. Lamp

9. Red

10. Yes



1. /b/ - Plosive, Bilabial, Voiced

2. /f/ - Fricative, Labiodental, Voiceless

3. /dʒ/ - Affricate, Post-alveolar, Voiced

4. /v/ - Fricative, Labiodental, Voiced

5. /ŋ/ - Nasal, Velar, Voiced

6. /ʃ/ - Fricative, Post-alveolar, Voiceless

7. /h/ - Fricative, Glottal, Voiceless

8. /l/ - Lateral, Alveolar, Voiced

9. /r/ - Approximant, Alveolar, Voiced

10. /j/ - Approximant, Palatal, Voiced


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Which of the following sounds is a bilabial plosive?










correct option: b
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