Lesson 3 (unit 3) - JSS3 English language Past Questions and Answers - page 3


Identify the Adjectives and Adverbs:

"She wore a red dress."


Fill in the Blanks with Appropriate Punctuation:

She bought apples_ oranges_and bananas.


She bought apples, oranges, and bananas.


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Fill in the Blanks with Appropriate Punctuation:

He asked _______ where are you going?


He asked, "Where are you going?"

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Fill in the Blanks with Appropriate Punctuation:

I need to buy _______ bread _______ milk _______ and eggs.


I need to buy bread, milk, and eggs.

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Correct the Punctuation in the Sentences:
  "What time is it" she asked.

"What time is it?" she asked.

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Correct the Punctuation in the Sentences: -

He cant come with us because hes busy. -


He can't come with us because he's busy.

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Correct the Punctuation in the Sentences:

We visited Paris France Rome Italy and Berlin Germany.


We visited Paris, France; Rome, Italy; and Berlin, Germany.


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