Family Health - JSS3 Physical and health education Past Questions and Answers - page 2


How can individuals reduce the risk of contracting infectious diseases through direct contact?

Individuals can reduce the risk by practicing good hygiene, such as frequent handwashing with soap and water, avoiding close contact with sick individuals, and covering their mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing.

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What measures can be taken to prevent the spread of vector-borne diseases in a community?

Community-wide measures include eliminating breeding sites for vectors, such as standing water for mosquitoes, using insect repellents, wearing protective clothing, and implementing vector control programs like spraying insecticides in high-risk areas.

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Why is understanding the mode of transmission important in controlling the spread of infectious diseases?

Understanding how diseases are transmitted helps in implementing targeted prevention and control measures. For example, if a disease primarily spreads through airborne transmission, measures such as wearing masks and improving ventilation can be effective in reducing transmission rates.

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How can public health campaigns raise awareness about the importance of disease prevention and vector control?

Public health campaigns can use various strategies such as educational materials, community workshops, social media outreach, and collaborations with local health authorities to inform the public about disease risks, prevention methods, and the role of vectors in disease transmission. Additionally, they can engage community leaders and influencers to promote behavior change and encourage participation in prevention efforts.

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How can public health campaigns raise awareness about the importance of disease prevention and vector control?

Public health campaigns can use various strategies such as educational materials, community workshops, social media outreach, and collaborations with local health authorities to inform the public about disease risks, prevention methods, and the role of vectors in disease transmission. Additionally, they can engage community leaders and influencers to promote behavior change and encourage participation in prevention efforts.

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