Family life education - JSS3 Physical and health education Past Questions and Answers - page 2


What are the different types of families, and how do they differ from each other?

There are various types of families, including nuclear, extended, single-parent, blended, and joint families. Each type differs in terms of its composition, structure, and dynamics. For example, a nuclear family consists of parents and children living together, while an extended family includes relatives beyond the nuclear family who may live together or separately but maintain close ties.

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What are some responsibilities of parents within a family, and why are they important?

Parents have several responsibilities within a family, including providing for the family's financial needs, nurturing and raising children, offering emotional support and guidance, and ensuring a safe and healthy environment. These responsibilities are crucial for the well-being and development of children, as they provide them with the necessary support, guidance, and resources to grow into responsible and well-adjusted individuals.

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How do children contribute to their families, and why is their contribution significant?

Children contribute to their families by respecting and obeying parents and elders, helping with household chores and responsibilities, pursuing education and personal development, and supporting family members in need. Their contribution is significant as it fosters a sense of responsibility, cooperation, and solidarity within the family unit, while also preparing them for adulthood and future roles within society.

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What role do extended family members play in supporting the overall well-being of a family?

Extended family members play a crucial role in supporting the overall well-being of a family by offering assistance and support during times of need, participating in family events and celebrations, providing wisdom and guidance, and contributing to the cohesion and strength of the family unit. Their involvement helps to create a supportive network of relationships that enhances the resilience and stability of the family.

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