Logic Circuits - SS2 ICT Past Questions and Answers - page 1
What is a logic gate?
An electronic device for analog signal processing
A building block for digital electronic circuits
A sensor for measuring temperature
A component used in mechanical systems
Which logic gate produces an output of 1 only when all input signals are 1?
AND gate
OR gate
NOT gate
XOR gate
In a NOT gate, what is the output when the input is 0?
Depends on other inputs
The XOR gate produces an output of 1 when the number of input signals that are 1 is:
Always 1
Which logic gate acts as an OR gate followed by a NOT gate?
AND gate
NOR gate
XOR gate
NAND gate
What is the output of a NAND gate if one of its inputs is 0?
Cannot determine
Depends on other inputs
Which logic gate's output is the opposite of the OR gate's output?
XOR gate
XNOR gate
NAND gate
NOR gate
A NOT gate is also known as:
How does an XNOR gate behave in terms of input signals?
Produces 1 for even number of input 1s
Produces 1 for odd number of input 1s
Always produces 1
Always produces 0
Which type of gate is used to add binary numbers in digital circuits?
AND gate
OR gate
XOR gate
Adder gate