Introduction To Data Peocessing - Meaning/Definition - SS3 Accounting Past Questions and Answers - page 1
What is data processing?
The manipulation and transformation of data into meaningful information
The storage of data in a database
The transfer of data between different software applications
The deletion of data from a computer system
Which of the following is NOT a step in the data processing cycle?
Data collection
Data entry
Data storage
Data visualization
What is the purpose of data processing?
To produce useful and relevant insights
To store data in a database
To transfer data between different software applications
To delete data from a computer system
Which industries use data processing?
Business, finance, healthcare, and research
Food, fashion, entertainment, and travel
Agriculture, construction, automotive, and energy
Sports, art, music, and literature
What is the importance of data processing in modern information management?
It helps organizations improve their operations and make better decisions
It reduces the amount of data that needs to be stored in a database
It makes it easier to transfer data between different software applications
It improves the security of computer systems
What are some common applications of data processing?
Common applications of data processing include business analytics, financial analysis, healthcare management, scientific research, and social media analysis.
What are some challenges that businesses may face when processing data?
Businesses may face challenges related to data quality, data security, and data privacy when processing data. They may also face challenges related to the complexity of the data, the volume of the data, and the speed at which the data is generated. Additionally, businesses may need to ensure that they comply with legal and regulatory requirements related to data processing.