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Methods of farm animal improvement - SS3 Agriculture Past Questions and Answers - page 2


Explain the concept of farm animal improvement methods in your own words.

Farm animal improvement methods are techniques used by farmers to make their animals better at things like producing more milk, meat, or adapting to different conditions. It's like trying to breed or choose animals with the best traits to make farming more productive.


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What are some ethical concerns that may arise when implementing farm animal improvement methods?

Ethical concerns may involve issues related to animal welfare, such as ensuring that animals are treated well and not harmed in the pursuit of better traits. It also includes making sure that genetic diversity is maintained and that animals aren't bred in ways that harm their health.

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How can farm animal improvement methods contribute to food security?

Farm animal improvement methods can help produce more food by increasing the productivity of livestock. This means there's more meat, milk, and other products available for people to eat, which can help with food security, especially in areas where food is scarce.

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Provide an example of a specific farm animal improvement method and its impact on livestock productivity

One example is selectively breeding dairy cows for higher milk production. By choosing cows that produce more milk and using them for breeding, farmers can gradually increase the amount of milk their cows produce over time.

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In your opinion, what should farmers consider when deciding to implement farm animal improvement methods?

Farmers should think about the specific goals they have for their animals, such as more meat or better adaptation to local conditions. They also need to consider the potential drawbacks, like genetic diversity loss, and make sure they use these methods responsibly and ethically.


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