Volcanicity - SS3 Geography Past Questions and Answers - page 2


In what type of plate boundaries are many volcanoes found?


Transform boundaries


Convergent boundaries


Divergent boundaries

correct option: b
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Which type of lava flow has a rough and blocky texture?





correct option: b

Intrusive landforms are formed when magma solidifies below the Earth's surface. Over time, this magma cools and hardens, creating features like dikes, sills, batholiths, laccoliths, and stocks.

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Describe the main characteristics of a shield volcano.

A shield volcano is a broad and gently sloping volcanic mountain primarily composed of layers of low-viscosity basaltic lava flows. These volcanoes often have a dome-like appearance and are characterized by relatively non-explosive eruptions.

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How do volcanic eruptions impact the environment and surrounding areas?

Volcanic eruptions impact the environment and surrounding areas by releasing ash, lava, gases, and potentially causing destruction. Eruptions can lead to the formation of new landforms, alter landscapes, impact climate, and pose hazards to nearby communities.

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What are the key differences between pahoehoe and aa lava flows?

Pahoehoe is smooth and ropy-textured lava that flows easily, while aa lava is rough and blocky in texture. The difference lies in the viscosity of the lava and how it flows.

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Explain the formation of intrusive landforms.

Intrusive landforms are formed when magma solidifies below the Earth's surface. Over time, this magma cools and hardens, creating features like dikes, sills, batholiths, laccoliths, and stocks.

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Explain the role of plate boundaries in the formation of volcanic landforms.

Plate boundaries play a crucial role in the formation of volcanic landforms. At convergent boundaries, tectonic plates collide or subduct, leading to the creation of explosive volcanoes. At divergent boundaries, plates move apart, causing magma to rise and form volcanic features. Transform boundaries can also trigger volcanic activity as plates slide past each other.

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