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Magnetism II - SS3 Physics Past Questions and Answers - page 2


According to Faraday's law, if the magnetic flux through a coil of wire is decreasing, what will happen to the induced emf in the coil?


It will remain constant.


It will increase.


It will decrease.



It will reverse direction.

correct option: b
Users' Answers & Comments

What is electromagnetic induction?


The process by which a moving charged particle experiences a force in a magnetic field


The process by which a magnetic field is produced by a current-carrying conductor


The process by which an electric current is induced in a conductor by a changing magnetic field


The process by which a magnetic field is induced by an electric current

correct option: c
Users' Answers & Comments

What is magnetic flux and how is it related to Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction?

Magnetic flux is a measure of the magnetic field passing through a given surface. It is defined as the product of the magnetic field strength and the surface area perpendicular to the magnetic field. Mathematically, magnetic flux can be expressed as Φ = B.A, where Φ is the magnetic flux, B is the magnetic field strength, and A is the surface area.

Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction states that a changing magnetic flux through a circuit induces an electromotive force (EMF) in the circuit. This EMF is proportional to the rate of change of the magnetic flux through the circuit. This relationship is expressed mathematically as EMF = -dΦ/dt, where EMF is the induced electromotive force, Φ is the magnetic flux, and t is time.


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