Distinguish between pauls Roman and Jewish names - JSS3 Christian Religious Studies Paul's nationality and education Question
Distinguish between pauls Roman and Jewish names.
1. Jewish Name: Saul:
Explanation: Paul was born a Jew and was originally named Saul. This was his Hebrew or Jewish name. Saul was a common Jewish name, and it was also the name of the first king of Israel.
Biblical Reference: Saul is referred to by this name in the early parts of the Book of Acts, especially when he was known for persecuting Christians (Acts 7:58, Acts 8:1-3).
2. Roman Name: Paul:
Explanation: Paul was also a Roman citizen, and his Roman name was Paul. It was common for Jews who were Roman citizens to have both a Hebrew name and a Roman name. The name Paul (Paulus) was more familiar and acceptable in the Roman and Greek worlds, where he conducted much of his missionary work.
Biblical Reference: The name Paul is used from Acts 13:9 onwards, especially after his conversion and during his missionary journeys. "But Saul, who was also known as Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit, looked intently at him..." (Acts 13:9).
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