Mention 5 cities Paul s first missionary journe... - JSS3 Christian Religious Studies The church at Jerusalem (Acts 15:1-35) Question
Mention 5 cities Paul's first missionary journey covered.
Here are five cities covered by Paul's first missionary journey;
- Salamis: Paul and Barnabas arrived at this port city in Cyprus, sharing the gospel in Jewish synagogues.
- Paphos: Paul and Barnabas moved across the island of Cyprus to this city, where they encountered a Jewish sorcerer named Bar-Jesus.
- Perga: Paul and Barnabas set sail for this city in Pamphylia, Turkey, where John Mark left them and returned to Jerusalem.
- Pisidian Antioch: Paul and Barnabas traveled to this city in Phrygia, Turkey, where they were invited to speak in the local synagogue.
- Lystra: Paul and Barnabas fled to this city in Lycaonia, Turkey, after persecution in Iconium.
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