Mention different members of the family and the... - JSS1 Christian Religious Studies Roles of family Question
Mention different members of the family and their roles.
- Wives are to be subject and submissive to their husbands in everything as the church is subject and submissive unto Christ the head of the church. Wives are to recognize their husbands as to the head of the family. They are to also respect and reverence their husbands.
- FATHERS AND MOTHERS– are to take care of the children, provide for them and not to provoke them, but to nurture and admonish the children in truth i.e. they are to train them to be disciplined children, instruct them with the word of God.
- CHILDREN are to obey their parents in the fear of God. That is, the children’s obedience to the parents should be in agreement with the word of God.
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