Narrate the account of Paul s mission to Lystra - JSS3 Christian Religious Studies Paul's first missionary journey I Question
Narrate the account of Paul's mission to Lystra
Here is an account of Paul's mission to Lystra;
- Paul and his companion Barnabas traveled to Lystra, where they healed a man who had been crippled since birth.
- The crowd, who did not speak the same language as Paul and Barnabas, believed them to be gods because of the miracle. They attempted to worship Paul and Barnabas, who were unable to dissuade them.
- A group of Jews from Antioch and Iconium arrived and turned the crowd against Paul, stoning him and leaving him for dead.
- Paul revived and returned to the city, then continued his missionary journey the next day.
- Paul and Barnabas strengthened the faith of the disciples in Lystra and the surrounding areas, encouraging them to endure in their faith despite tribulations.
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