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Cover Image for Top 9 Secrets to Making First Class in Nigerian Universities and Polytechnics

Top 9 Secrets to Making First Class in Nigerian Universities and Polytechnics

Learn 9 simple secrets to getting a first-class degree in Nigerian universities and polytechnics. Follow these tips to excel in your studies and achieve academic success.
Cover Image for How to Ace Your Next Tests(Exams): A Comprehensive Guide

How to Ace Your Next Tests(Exams): A Comprehensive Guide

Tests and exams can be a major source of stress for students of all levels. However, there are several things you can do as a student to prepare for and ace their tests.
Cover Image for 7 Types of Students That Will Fail Next Exams

7 Types of Students That Will Fail Next Exams

The exam period is usually the most serious time in the student community; you see many students doing their best to read and catch up on everything that has been taught for the t...
Cover Image for The Future of Learning: 5 Facts You Should Know

The Future of Learning: 5 Facts You Should Know

The Future of Learning Have you ever thought of the future of learning before? The world changes centuries by centuries and decades by decades. If the world is changing, the...
Cover Image for 5 Types of students that will PASS their next exams

5 Types of students that will PASS their next exams

In every class, there are different types of students. The serious ones, the unserious and the know-nothings. When exams draw closer, you could already guess the students who will...
Cover Image for Student, Why Kill Yourself Because of Paper Qualifications?

Student, Why Kill Yourself Because of Paper Qualifications?

Education is very important for our personal development and for a progressive, better society. Most people already know that. But, the rate of suicide among Nigerian students in ...
Cover Image for How to be a Top Performing Student in your class

How to be a Top Performing Student in your class

Becoming a top performing student among other students is one thing most students wish for, achieving that, however, is what many don't know how to go about it. But, it's not a m...
Cover Image for How to memorize things easily using repetition techniques

How to memorize things easily using repetition techniques

The ability to memorize things we read, see or hear is important for everyone. For example, if you are a student, this can be very helpful in your everyday academic life, exams an...
Cover Image for 5 Secrets to learn mathematics easily

5 Secrets to learn mathematics easily

Mathematics is an intimidating subject to most students, but to the few who understand it and know its secrets, it is actually one of the easiest subjects. It, therefore, m...
Cover Image for Why going to school might be useless (+ what to do instead)

Why going to school might be useless (+ what to do instead)

If you are not among the millions of graduates in Nigeria who currently have nothing going for them then this post title may sound crazy to you, but before you arrive at quick con...